By showing your funeral home’s staff that you appreciate them, you can create a stronger bond among your team members. Simple things like complementing someone's work and asking about someone’s hobby results in a team that feels like family. Your employees also will likely feel more productive, confident, and happy.
Below are a few employee engagement tips for creating a comfortable work environment, as well as getting to know each other better!
Promote Open Communication
By promoting open communication, you can help your employees feel comfortable coming to you with any questions, concerns, or ideas. Listen to what they have to say and ensure them that they won’t get in trouble for bringing things up.
Another way to promote open communication is to send out an anonymous survey. If employees know that it’s anonymous, you may get more honest feedback about what’s working and what could use some improvement. Your survey could focus on what you can do to better serve your client families, as well as how to better work as a team.
Set Clear, Attainable Goals
All your employees should know and understand
the goals
you’re working toward. To make sure everyone is on the same page and happy with the goals, you should decide them together.
For instance, maybe one of your goals is to provide more out-of-the-box funeral experiences. To make this an attainable goal, create a plan with clear steps on how to make it happen. The first step may be to get your team together to brainstorm what out-of-the-box funeral experiences you want to offer. You may even want to send a survey to your community to see what they’re most interested in!
To make sure no one gets stuck, have
regular check-ins
to see how the goals are going. If something isn’t going as planned, you can make changes as needed.
Show Your Appreciation
Make sure your employees know how much you appreciate their hard work. Although they may be confident in their work, it’s still nice to get reassurance from others that you’re doing a great job. It can be as simple as telling them that you appreciate them or sending a message or hand-written note. You could even treat everyone to a catered lunch to say thanks for everything that they do.
Do Team Building Activities
With the right technology solutions, you can save your firm much needed time. And with this
extra time, you can use it for employee engagement, like for team building activities. Now, we know that many people dread team building activities, but they can actually be fun rather than awkward if you choose the right ones. You could have everyone suggest an activity and put it to a vote.
Another idea is to do an activity outside of your funeral home, so you can truly get to know each other outside of work. Understandably, funeral directors may not have the time for a weekend getaway. Even just getting together for dinner or going for a group walk can go a long way. By getting to know each other better, you can work better together.
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