Search engine optimization, SEO, can make or break your funeral home’s online presence. If not done correctly, it can hurt your search engine results page, SERP, ranking instead of helping your website appear higher on SERPs.
Don’t worry, just because it’s broken doesn’t mean it can’t be fixed! Here’s what may be hurting yours website’s SEO and how to fix it!
Non-Responsive Website Design
If your website isn’t responsive, you may not rank as high in SERPs. For those who are unfamiliar with the term, a responsive design means that your website responds to the device type that it’s displaying on. So, whether it’s a smartphone, tablet, or computer, the screen will respond as needed to create the best user experience possible.
No SSL Security
If your website doesn’t take precautions to protect against viruses and spammers, this can hurt your SEO, too. By having an SSL certificate for your website, it encrypts sensitive information. This way, businesses and their customers don’t have to worry about their data being compromised.
Slow Website Load Time
Not only do potential customers not like a slow website load time, it also can cause your SERP ranking to be lower. A good website load time is three seconds or less. If your website takes longer than this, one reason could be if you have large image or video files on your website.
Misspelled Text and Broken Links
This may not seem like a big deal, but search engines will find them and in turn, cause your SERP ranking to drop. It also may turn off potential customers if they find errors or broken links in your website content, so make sure you have multiple people proofread your text.
Spam Comments
Even if spam comments aren’t clicked on, they can still negatively impact your SEO. To try to prevent spam comments, make sure you only link to reputable sources in your website content and only approve comments that are relevant to your business.
Improper Keywords and Metadata
Metadata describes the data that is on your website. It’s what appears as your website title and description on a SERP. Having poor or no metadata hurts your SEO. While, keywords are used within your website content to tell search engines what the content is about and why it’s relevant. You should use your keywords a few times throughout the content, so it sounds natural and isn’t used too much or too little. Also, make sure your keywords are relevant, but not too specific.
SRS Websites and SEO
When you choose an SRS Website, we follow SEO best practices so your funeral home can rank higher in SERPs. With a responsive design, SSL security, and other best practices, your funeral home is in good hands with SRS.
Together, SRS Websites and our other technologies deliver a simple, yet comprehensive software solution. For more information on SRS Computing, please call 800.797.4861. Or, to schedule a demo, call 866.375.8778.