Payment Processing
E-Pay provides you with the capability to accept and submit all credit card payments directly within your SRS software and eliminates double entry. All major credit cards are accepted.
Merchant accounts are required to process payments. View Enrollment or call SRS directly to enroll 800.797.4861.
► Watch Payment Processing Video
Email Invoicing
E-Pay simplifies invoicing and offers a secure and convenient online payment method for your clients. You can save time and cut back on costs by instantly emailing all due bills directly to each family.
Merchant accounts are required to process payments. View Enrollment or call SRS directly to enroll 800.797.4861.
► Watch Email Invoicing & All Due Bills Video
Insurance Assignment
E-Pay offers an entirely electronic insurance claim process integrated with your cases. Enter numerous policies directly from a case using the data you've already entered for the deceased, family and invoice.
Merchant accounts are required to process payments. View Enrollment or call SRS directly to enroll 800.797.4861.
► Watch Insurance Assignments & Claims Video
Company Enrollment Tips:
Merchant Accounts Tips:
Agreement Tips:
Account Corporation & Branch Summary Tips:
For further support and questions call SRS directly at 800.797.4861.
SRS V9 Requirements
Requirements for the Server: Operating Systems: the following OS's listed below include all versions 32 or 64 bit.
Hardware requirements: vary based on OS. Storage space would vary based on the volume of data and images.
Requirements for Workstations: Operating Systems: the following OS's listed below include all versions 32 or 64 bit.
Hardware requirements: vary based on OS. Storage space would vary based on the volume of data and images.
Virtual Server: SRS Cloud Computing
SRS offers a Virtual Server option to their clients who would to be able to do the following:
SRS Cloud Requirements:
Must have the internet with following internet speed:
You can test your internet speed free by going to Speedtest.net and click Begin Test
*When using SRS Cloud for a server you will still need to follow the same requirements for the workstations as listed above. SRS Cloud is available to Version 8 clients and Version 9 clients.
SRS V9 Installation
WARNING: If you have already installed the demo, please remove it first. To do this, click the start button, control panel, and double click 'Add / Remove Programs'. Scroll down until you see SRS Procession and click it, then click remove.
Stand Alone Computer
Funeral Home Installation - Network
SRS V9 Tech Specs
Geographical Mapping - Add a Section
Click the Mapping icon, then the Layout tab. Select the base of the Cemetery you want to add a section to. Click Add Section Level. A box will appear to enter a name for this section, then click OK. The new section will appear in the tree of your cemetery.
Now, enter a lot. Click Add Grave/Space Holder. Name this Lot, and click OK.
To add graves to your lot, choose which one you want to add the graves to, then click Add Graves. Use the numbers in the boxes to specify the number of vertical by horizontal graves that should appear in the lot. This makes the area with the number of graves you want included. For example, add 2 rows of 5 graves, giving 10 new graves. To reverse the layout of the graves vertically or horizontally, click the arrow button to switch them.
Draw the outside bounds of the graves. Click anywhere to place the first point. Create a line for how long you want the spaces to be, then click again. By dragging down then clicking, you can adjust the height of your rows. If you mess up, right click to remove the last point.
Now you can split graves if you need to. Click Split Selected Graves when you have one selected. Use the dimensions to decide how many graves you want this one split into. For this example, split 1 grave into 4. Click Split Selected Graves again to save your changes.
It may be easier for you to duplicate graves instead of creating new ones over and over again. This also keeps the sizes consistent throughout your cemetery. To duplicate a grave, select the one you want to use, and click Duplicate Graves. Select the side you want to duplicate and click the point. This will duplicate the grave in that direction. When you’re all finished, click Stop Duplicating Graves.
If you need to resize, rotate, or reposition, select that grave or graves. Click on Reposition/Resize Selected Graves.
Select Rotate to turn the grave in a different direction. Choose your pivot point to adjust the direction of the grave. Once the grave is in the correct direction you want, click Save.
Resize to resize the grave. Select a point to adjust the size of the grave, then click and drag to the desired size. Click save when you’re finished.
Click Reposition to move the grave. Click and drag the grave to where you want it. Once the grave is in the right place for you, click Save.
Just a few more things to check out! A cool feature we incorporated is to select a group of spaces or an entire section. To do this, hold the Shift key and use your mouse to select the area. This a great tool so you don’t have to set graves up individually. When a larger area is selected, right click, then assign a sale price every grave in that section. Also, if this section is full, you can right click to change the status of every grave selected.
Right clicking on any grave will pull a list of options to do individually. Here, you can change the status, add it to an invoice, or assign work orders.
Geographical Mapping - Labeling
Select the graves you’d like to label in the correct sequence. To do so, hold Control on your keyboard and clicking each grave in the correct order. Next, specify the format of your label. In this example, we are choosing A1 to start with and resetting after 4 graves, which will then turn the label to B. Then the sequence will be B1‐B5 then C1‐C5. Once the format is chosen, click Process Labels to preview the labels of the graves. Click Apply Label Changes to save the format.
To resize the labels, click and hold the dot in the circular tool and drag up to make the font larger, or down to make the font smaller. Be sure that graves are selected to make these changes.
Geographical Mapping - Road Map
When you’re viewing the map of your cemetery, you can view a road map to any selected grave. This gives you directions and can even be printed for visitors. This is how to set up your road map.
First, click on the Mapping icon. On the layout tab, click Set Navigation Start Point.
Here, you’ll want to select your Office. That way, the map will always begin at your office and lead to the grave. A green dot will appear when the office is selected. Click Save.
Next, you’ll need to “teach” your program the roads in your cemetery. By doing this, any selected grave can be mapped. Click Add Roads. Click around on the roads of your map. These can be spread apart a bit, so it isn’t too time consuming.
Once all roads are mapped, click Save Roads.
Now that the roads are calibrated, you can map any space. Find the grave that you want, and head to the Navigation tab, and check the box labeled Map Selected Grave.
The purple line will appear giving directions. A solid line indicated walking on the road, and a dotted line indicates walking through the grass. You can zoom in or out for easy viewing, then click the printer icon.
Adding an Owner
When adding a new owner in the cemetery module, the quickest way is to click the New Person icon on the top toolbar. The person’s contact and vital information can be manually entered here, or imported from another SRS module. To do this, select Import from Other Program. Select which program you’d like to pull from, then search for the appropriate person. Click OK when finished.
After entering the person’s information, you can also add Related Persons to affiliate with that client. Click New Related Person, then save when finished.
Assigning Spaces to an Owner
The first step to adding a space to an owner is to open that person’s case information. Start by clicking Search on the top toolbar. Here, you can search from a number of criteria, including name. Double click to select that person.
Next, navigate to your map. Here, you can simply select the grave that person wishes to purchase. After clicking the appropriate grave, right click and select Add Grave to Invoice. Select the invoice you wish to add it to, or click New Invoice. You’ll receive a confirmation message this has worked successfully. Click Billing, then the Purchasers section. Now you can see that person is the purchaser for that grave.
On the left side, click View (that selected grave). Here, you can simply drag and drop the person from the left side to the owner. All you need to do is align the green person icon to the blank icon next to Owner Information. Another option is to click the new icon. From here, you can manually enter a new person, or select the person whose information you just entered.
A box will pop up asking if this is new or additional ownership for that selected grave. Choose the appropriate button. All information will then populate and forms can be printed.
Adding an Occupant
When a person is saved in InStone, you can change their reserved grave to interred. The first step is to to open that person’s case information. Start by clicking Search on the top toolbar. Here, you can search from a number of criteria, including name. Double click to select that person.
Next, click the Mapping icon. When that person’s grave is selected, right click and change the status. Currently, it will show reserved. Click interred to change.
On the left side, click View (that selected grave). Here, you can simply drag and drop the person from the left side to the occupant. All you need to do is align the green person icon to the blank icon next to Owner Information. Another option is to click the new icon. From here, you can select the person who is the owner. If you choose to add an occupant that isn’t the owner, click the new icon, then New Person. The box will pop up to enter new person information as you did for the owner.
You can now create and send electronic signatures over any device with SignNow in SRS! SignNow gives the ability to collect a signature when the family is not present, for example if they live out of state.
SignNow is not to be confused with Electronic Signatures.
Electronic Signatures are used when the family is present with you at the time of signing.
Work Orders
In SRS’ cemetery program, InStone, we developed a key tool called work orders. This feature makes it a cinch to assign jobs to your staff. Some tasks might include cut the grass or install or replace vase. Now, you have a manager for these tasks and making sure they’re completed on time.
Start by clicking on the work orders icon on the top toolbar, then the work order tasks list tab. Here’s where you’re going to build your task list. We can give you a few examples, but this is completely customizable for your business and creating tasks unique to your cemetery. Click New to create a new task. Give it a name! You can give a description if you’d like, but that’s optional. Another option is to assign a staff member who normally performs this job, and click save.
You can enter as many tasks as you’d like until you have a dynamic list for any person in the program.
The templates tab is where you can create to do lists with multiple tasks included. If you have a general task, such as clean grave, you can include tasks such as cut grass, replace vase, replace granite, etc. That way, when this “list” is assigned to a staff member, you can ensure everything will be completed associated with that grave. Use these arrow buttons to move tasks in and out of the template list of included tasks.
Now, move into the work orders tab. Here’s where you’ll assign your individual tasks or templates to employees. Click new to assign a new task. In the requestor box, select your name since you’re assigning the task. Select a foreman from the drop down. Add a description, which will be used a “title” for this task. Give it a due date. In the workers assigned box, select as many staff members as you’d like in charge of completing this task, then click add to put them on the list.
Now assign your tasks or templates that need to be completed. You can select templates from the drop down and click add to place it on the list. If you want to assign individual tasks instead of a list, click show task pool. This will bring the list of every task you entered. Use the arrows to move tasks in and out. Any notes can be added in this section if you’d like to add them. Click save at the top when you’re finished creating this task.
When an employee completes a task, they’ll check the box. It’ll also be date and time stamped to show you when it was finished! Completed work orders can also be seen in the space information section.
Task lists can be printed simply by clicking the printer icon at the bottom.
The Invoice Items tab allows you to build an invoice. Add items to your invoice from the drop down, complete with your price list. Items will continue to appear in the background on your invoice as you add more. A running total will be calculated in the bottom‐right corner showing the sum, taxes, payments, and adjustments for that invoice.
If a price needs to be changed for this one invoice, simply highlight the item, then click Invoice Item Details on the bottom. Quantity can be changed here as well. Be sure to click Save when you’re finished.
To add an item that isn’t on your price list, click New Item. This opens Item Details with blank information. Just enter information for that item, and click save. Again, this will only add that item to this individual invoice. If it should be added to your price list, enter all information there.
Once an invoice is created, you can take payments and adjustments. Click the next tab, Payments and Adjustments. Here you can take payments, make adjustments, or give discounts. Select the payment option and the amount. Select who’s making the payment. This drop down will be generated based off of anyone who’s checked as a primary or additional purchaser in the Family and Friends section. Enter the check or credit card number, and click Save! The remaining balance will appear next to the payment in the top window.
On the right side, you’ll see panels you can expand and collapse. Under each of these sections, you can enter any information or special notes you need to appear on the contract or invoice. A green checkmark will appear if information is entered in that section.
In Invoice Taxes, you can add taxes to a specific item at a specific rate.
Miscellaneous will allow you to access your price list, or export to the accounting software you already use.
Print your bill by selecting it from the drop down, and clicking the printer icon. From this drop down, you can also print receipts and envelopes.
Multiple bills can be added by clicking Add Bill in the top‐right corner. This is convenient for items purchased a later time, or if a family needs separate invoices, like a split check. All invoices will appear in the top right window.
SRS Full Accounting
The first page in the Accounting section is going to be your Accounts. Here is where you’ll find your Chart of Accounts we can import. To add a new account, click the new button, type in the name then save at the bottom.
Each account listed will show the balance as well as the type of account, whether it’s an expense, asset, or income. The account number is listed and can be edited as well. If the account needs branch accounts, check the box. This will display each branch where you can set the start balance.
Double clicking on the account will take you to the next tab - Transactions. Here, you can use the drop down to select an account and view all of the recent transactions from your accounting activity.
Check will be your check generator. Clicking new will generate the next check number and today’s date. Select which account or person you want to write the check payable to from the drop down, or you can manually enter. In the amount, type the dollar amount of the check you’re writing. Any notes can be included in the notes section for your check. The bank account will automatically withdraw the checks form your Checking account.
The checkboxes to the right are also very important. Here, you can select if that check was an electronic payment, or if you paid online. When the check is printed by using the printer icon, the printed box will automatically check. The most important step here is when the check is reconciled and has been drawn from your bank account, be sure to check the Cleared box. In the Expense account section, choose which account this check is paying for. For example, if the check you’re writing is for a credit card bill, select your Credit Card Expense account. The bottom box will display checks that have not been reconciled yet. Click Reconcile, then Clear Checks.
Journal entries can be used to move your money from one account to another. If you want to transfer funds from your Savings account to your Checking, you can manually debit your Savings account, then credit your Checking. If there are journal entries you use frequently, these can be saved as Defaults. Click Default Setup, then new. Here you can enter the transaction type (i.e. Transfer to Checking). Select the default accounts from the drop downs, and save. The next step will be the amount that you’re moving. You can enter any notes in the notes section as well.
If this journal entry needs to be used to make a deposit, be sure to check Entry is Deposit. Key in the deposit number and select the payment items in the deposit using the check boxes. Click save when finished with your entry. This will show you the debit and credit amounts of your entry.
The Accounts Payable tab will be another way to quickly write checks for any money owed. Selecting the person or business from the bottom box will populate the top information. For example, if you select your utility bill, the top section will show who the check is made out to and the original invoice date. The debit account will be automatically selected based on your default account for that lender. After entering the Payable information, click Pay from Default. This will debit and credit the default accounts tied to that business/person. Paying from Other will allow you to select a different account if necessary. Check All will select every payable in the list. Check Staff Payroll Only will select all staff members to write your paychecks. Uncheck all can be selected. Use the printer icon to print the checks.
C/A Reconcile is to be used to reconcile all of your Cash Advances. Here, you can select which Cash Advance form the list that you would like to pay. In your Rolodex, you can associate fees with contacts. For example, Allegheny Cemetery charges $500 for their Opening and Closing Fee. That information can be saved in the Rolodex in Custom Data. When the Cemetery charges in your price list are entered, they’ll have a $0 fee. This is simply so when you choose that specific Rolodex entry, their fee will automatically populate! How does this all tie together? Here’s an example: creating an invoice and adding Cemetery Fee from Cash Advances. The $500 from Allegheny Cemetery will populate. When you go to the C/A Reconcile section, select Allegheny Cemetery, and it will record to pay that cemetery from the Cemetery Fee expense account. Click save when finished, then Return to Accounting.
Search will simply be used to search for any checks written. You can search by who the check was paid to, a date range it was written, or the amount. You can also use a combination of all three criteria. Check numbers can be used to search as well.
The Default tab will also be very important to your accounting. Here is where you’ll assign your specific accounts to the type of account. For example, an Accounts Receivable account should be tied to an Accounts Receivable account. That was an easy one! If you have a Sales Tax Income account, tie this to the Sales Tax. Payroll Wages can have an Accounts Payable account tied.
The bottom section is if you need to be a bit more specific with your default accounts. Sure, the Cash account should have the Undeposited Funds account tied to it. This way, when you receive cash or a check, you have to physically take that to the bank to deposit. But what do you do for credit cards? In the bottom section, select Credit Card or a specific credit card type, depending on how you have them set up for Payments and Adjustments. To the right, you can select which accounts to debit and credit when that payment is selected. Always be sure to save when you’re finished! The best part is, once your defaults are set up, they’ll populate for you for every invoice.
Reports will give you a running list of all accounting reports. You can select which account you want to view activity for, then select the report. Select a date range, then click the printer icon. For example, you can select the Casket Sales account, then the Atneed Sales Report. This will show you the atneed sales with caskets. Checking and Bank Account Reports can be viewed as well, such as an Account Reconciliation and a Deposit Report.
Accounting Exports
When you export to your accounting software from SRS, you’ll never have to worry about double entry. All of your receivables will be entered in SRS, and the payables handed in your accounting. We export to the following accounting systems:
Click on the Accounting icon on the top bar, then the Accounts tab. Here is where you’ll find your Chart of Accounts we can import from your accounting system. If you add a new account in your accounting, you will simply need to add it in SRS as well. To add a new account, click the new button, type in the name then save at the bottom.
Next, let’s visit your defaults. Navigate to the Defaults tab. These defaults will allow the program to send the funds to the correct accounts. They’re also a safety net if there isn’t a special account assigned. If specific types of payments, discounts, interest, or refunds are required to flow into specific income accounts, select the payment and adjustment type, which branch it applies to, and the accounts to debit and credit. This list can be edited in the dropdown setup.
Now let’s set up your accounts for all the items in your price list. You can get there from either Billing or Settings. From the Funeral Home Info tab, click on your price list, then the General Price List info tab. For each category, you’ll want a default account. We can put an account in for you, but double check it’s the correct one you want to use. Use the dropdown to select or change the income account and be sure to hit Save.
You are welcome to assign a Cost of Goods Sold and Inventory account as well but this is optional. You can copy these default income accounts to every item by click the Copy Default Accounts and Tax to Category Items button. Keep in mind, the defaults you are working on only applies to the branch selected at the top. If you want to copy these income accounts for another branch, click Send this Category to Select Chapels, then choose the location. This will copy the accounts for each items, but you’ll still need to assign a default income account.
Now that the setup is complete, let’s learn how to export your contracts to your accounting software. Navigate your way to Accounting, then click on the Export tab. This table shows a list of clients whose contracts, payments or bills haven’t been exported yet during the months selected. Check the box under this column named Export Now, or click Check All Clients if you want to export everything in the box. Select which accounting program you use from the option on bottom. After clicking, a box will appear. It’s asking where you want to save the IIF file to. If you have a file on your computer for your accounting exports already, save it there. If not, create a file you’ll remember.
After your file is saved, simply open your accounting software and import the file you saved.
We recommend creating a same case, entering a sample contract, then selecting this case to export. This will easily demonstrate how the case moves from SRS to your accounting. Be sure to go back in both systems and delete the sample case!
Federated Export
SRS and Federated have designed a process for data to flow from SRS' Billing to Federated electronically. Please view the video to watch the flow in action!
Trust / Commissions
Trust Setup:
This is where you'll learn about Trust and how to set it up! If you’re used to trust with a funeral home, you know the funded account will be used towards the final invoice when a preneed becomes an at‐need. With Perpetual Care Trust for cemeteries, the funds are added to the invoice and given to the cemetery to use for upkeep associated with that grave for grounds care, and other expenses.
Now, let's learn how to set up a fund. When you’re ready to use the funds on a real contract, check out our Applying Trust instructions.
First, click Trust, then Setup/Admin. Here is where you can create your funds.
Anything that requires percentages to be taken should be added as a fund, such as Perpetual Care, Merchandise, and Services. If there’s a time frame in which the percentage changed, use the active and inactive dates to set the timeframe. Here is also where you’ll set your grace period between interest payments.
Next, you’ll need to create rules for your funds. These outline the percentages taken and the payment timing. We have 3 different options in the drop down to select a payment timing.
Each state has their own rules for trust. If you’re in a state that doesn’t use percentages of price, that’s fine! You can also enter the fixed amount or percentage of cost in the appropriate boxes. We have active and inactive dates and sections in the system to track your state’s rules for percentages, payment timing, Preneed vs at‐need, and interest. Grace periods can be specified at your discretion for no interest to be charged.
Once your fund is set up, you can choose items that are included. On the Fund Items tab, select which fund you’re adding to. Choose which category you’re pulling from your price list. If the fund you chose if eligible for only at‐need then check the at‐need box. If it’s eligible for both, check both! When these items are added to an invoice, they’ll go to their correct funds.
Once you have each fund created with items included, your setup is complete!
Applying Trust:
Now we’re going to use the Trust Setup and apply it to an invoice.
The first step is to create an invoice, then click on Trusting. One important thing to note here is, if your funded items were setup on a preneed vs. at‐need basis, be sure to which one from the Sales Need drop down. Then, click Enable Funding.
Click on Trust Details to pull your trust summary. The top box shows the WHOLE invoice broken down. If you have more than one invoice for this person, they’ll all be listed here.
The middle chart will display each item individually. You can see if they’re trusted, funded, which fund they’re associated with, and what percentage
The bottom chart is a summary of only trusted and funded items, and a balance for each fund.
Now, enter a payment. Go to Billing, and the Payments and Adjustments tab. Enter a $100 payment either by check or credit card. (This is a sample, so it can be deleted later!)
When your payment is entered, go back to Trusting. As you start to receive payments, you’ll see money start to build in the funded column. This, of course, is based on the payment timing associated with each fund
Once the trust has been fully funded, the balance will be $0 owed to the trust.
Depending on your payment timing, you can run a report to see when you have to pay the trust account to the bank. Click the Reports tab, then find the Perpetual Care Withdraw Report. Select a date range, and click the printer icon.
► Watch Trust / Commissions Video
Start by clicking the magnifying glass in the black toolbar. You’ll see there’s a few options to search by. The first, of course, is by name. If you’re unsure of a person’s full name, you can type in just a few letters to give you a head start.
The drop down provides a few options for the focus of your search. Maybe you want to find only a purchaser, owner, or someone’s invoice. Just select that option from the drop down.
General People is to find anyone in your database.
When selecting Owners/Grave purchasers, you can enter a deed number to narrow your search, a date range when they became an owner, or limit your search to only active owners.
If you’re searching for an Occupant, you can search by the deed number, interment number, or an interment date range.
Finally, if you want to search by invoice, you can enter the invoice number or a date range the invoice was created.
Click Clear to start your search over. When you have your criteria entered, click search. The possible matches will appear in the bottom box.
Below the person’s name, you’ll see you can access their invoices, occupant, or purchaser information (if they’re not the same).
Double clicking on each item will take you to the appropriate section of the program.
There are many sections in Phoenix that pull directly from the Rolodex. For instance, the churches, cemeteries, organizations, and associations should all be inserted prior to entering a new case. This creates more efficiency.
Click the Rolodex icon to open this section. By selecting a category, any corresponding businesses will be displayed in the lower table. You’ll notice sections for email addresses and their website.
Click on the @ icon to send an email, and click the globe to access their website.
Click New to add a new contact under the category you’ve selected. To add a new category, click Edit Category, then New. Name your category, and what type of category this is, and click Save. In the Custom Data Fields section, you can enter any data fields you’d like to appear for this entry, such as a fee or hours of operation. Click Save, then the X in the top‐right corner.
Clicking the printer icon will print a full report of every category and subcategory within the section. If you want to send a letter, the envelope icon will create a preaddressed envelope.
We found it very helpful to have your Rolodex entries in Outlook! First, you need to create a file to export out of Procession. Click Export in your Rolodex, and save your file. Be sure you’re not clicking the Export icon at the top of Procession!
Next, open Outlook, click File, then Import. Select Import from Another Program or File. Select Comma Separated Values (Windows). Browse for your file, then choose Contacts for the destination folder, and Finish.
User Permissions
We’ve recently updated this tool to make access even more customizable than before. Now, you can restrict ANY field you’d like. The important thing to remember is – if you had user permissions set before this update, those changes won’t be lost or changed.
If you have more than one module with SRS, you can set the permissions in any of them. So, if you’re in our Cemetery module and want to set permissions for Procession, you can do it! You can have certain staff in charge of different things, and they’ll only have access to information that you want them to have. This is also how you create administrators for SRS. Maybe you only want certain staff members to be able to see or change accounting information, including account balances. Maybe only certain staff members can take payments or give discounts.
First, click on Settings, then go to the Funeral Home Staff tab. Learn the layout first. The table shows all of your staff members and their usernames to login. Click New to add a new staff member. You can enter or edit that person’s information on the right side. If you have their signature saved on your computer, click browse to upload it. Their login username and password can be changed as well.
Under the Roles and Licenses tab, you can check whether they’re a Funeral or Arranging director, or an Embalmer. You’ll want these checked so their name will appear in the proper drop down to select them in each case. You can enter any state license numbers, and add as many as you want. They’ll all appear within the box. Select the appropriate boxes if they're a Sales Manager, Sales Person, or Read Only. Read Only means they won’t be able to make any changes, and being a Sales Manager makes them eligible for commissions and trust. Remember to hit Save!
Program Permissions is where we get into more detail! The checkboxes at the top determine access to different SRS modules. If you want this person to be able to access Funeral Home (Procession) and Cemetery (InStone), check both boxes. An administrator will have access to EVERYTHING in Procession, or any other module, as well as changing someone else’s access. Check they’re Prospect Licensed if they have a login for that as well.
Under ALL, these are permissions for every module including Funeral Home, Cemetery, Crematory, and Prospect. We’ll go through each one individually, that way you know what you’re giving staff permission to!
We’ve also created a special tool for administrators that not only lets you restrict certain sections, but you can also restrict ANY field within your SRS modules! To do this, click Alter User Restrictions. Keep in mind, you have to be an administrator to do this! Now, you can navigate through every tab or page in SRS. Hovering over any field will let you see which staff member is restricted. You can change these restrictions by right clicking and granting or restricting access.
A few examples for these restrictions to be most efficient are:
To exit this setup mode, click Exit Restrict Mode at the bottom.
These permission are granted at your discretion, so it’s up to you what your staff can do!
► Watch User Permissions Video
Drop Down Setup
You’ll notice how all throughout Phoenix, there’s a ton of drop downs to choose from. This makes it much easier so you don’t have to manually type in for info. So how do you manage those drop downs? Here's how:
On the bar at the top, click Settings, then the Crematory Info tab. Click the button for Setup Drop Downs.
The field categories are any kind of category you have for a dropdown in Phoenix. A great example is Cause of Death. This drop down can be edited to reflect any causes you’d like to be able to select and not type in every time. By adding these to your drop downs, you can see the statistics in SRS Reports.
For the Client Type options, you can add or delete any option you’d like to appear. Right now, we have a few samples such as Burial and Cremation. Try adding a few more. If you want to allow a drop down field to be manually typed into, make sure the “Allow Typing” box is checked. Otherwise, make sure the box is unchecked so your staff has to select a preset choice.
It’s simple to build dynamic lists throughout the program.
Now that you’re a PRO at managing your drop downs, let’s see why they’re so important.
Navigate to the Billing section for a client, then the Payments and Adjustments tab. Under type for a payment, you can manage what kind of payment you’d like to accept within your funeral home such as checks, credit card types, and vouchers. You can generate a report using these as well. Find the payment report by type and click the printer icon. This will filter the various payment methods clients are using.
Price List
When you buy your custom system from SRS, we’ll put your price list in for you. This includes your General Price List, Urns, Vaults, Caskets, and Merchandise. You can always change your price list if prices change for business.
There are 2 ways to get to the Price List:
The price list drop down provides the different branches you may have for your business. Select which one you want to use.
The categories are organizers for items in your price list. Select a category and items will appear for you.
The price can be changed by overriding the existing price entered. Type in a new price, and click save. Old bills will not be effected if a new price is entered. If you change a price here, it’ll change on the master price list for all future invoices. If you want to change a price for only ONE invoice, change it on that individual page. Image path is for those using our Virtual Showroom. Images of your inventory can be uploaded here to display all merchandise while doing arrangements.
Click the General Price List Info tab. This is where you go to assign default accounts to that price list item.
To add or edit an existing package, change the category drop down to package. On the Item Info tab, name your package, give it a price, and any description you’d like. Click save.
Navigate to the Package Info tab. Add to Package drop down is where you add items to a package.
The box below will display all items included in that package. If you accidentally add something, or are changing an existing package, highlight the item you want to take away and click Remove Item.
The boxes on the right side give you a running total of the Package Price, the price you chose for the package. The Item Subtotal is the sum of the items being added. The Package Discount is based off what is being charged vs how much the individual items would normally cost. Below this you will have the option to Proportionalize the Discount throughout the package. This allows you to distribute the discount throughout all the items rather than a specific item. You can also alter the discount to only one or two specific items, rather than each individual item. You do this by distributing $0 as each discount then adding in the amount you want to discount that specific item to.
If all branches are using the same price list, don’t worry about re‐entering everything. You shouldn’t have to type anything twice, so we have tools for you to duplicate categories to other branches! Go to the General Price List Info tab. If you want to send a specific item to another branch, click Send the Selected Item to Select Chapels. Select which branch, or all, it’s going to, and click OK. If you want to send an entire category, such as Caskets, to another branch, click Send this Category to Select Chapels. Again, select the branch and click OK.
If you place an item in the wrong category, don’t worry about deleting and retyping. Click the item you want to move, go to the Item Info tab, and find the category drop down. Select correct category and click save.