Hear for yourself from one of your peers how SRS is helping funeral homes be more mobile and stay successful in the ever-changing industry. David Lee Hernandez Jr., the CEO and Founder of Jersey Memorial Group, shared how SRS helps his staff save time and how it empowers them to serve families.
You can watch his video
or read what he had to say below.
SRS As the Central Nervous System
“Hi, my name is David Lee Hernandez, Jr. I’m CEO and Founder of Jersey Memorial Group operating funeral homes and cemeteries in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia. So, SRS we’ve been with for years. In fact, my entire career over 20 years has been with SRS, specifically with Scott and Kim Simons, and it’s been really neat to watch the program grow as we grew, but the relationship that we have with both of them as well as a lot of their developers and their tech team has been paramount in us staying not only with SRS but continuing to grow as well.
So, SRS has been a tremendous asset to my organization. I use the analogy that it’s the central nervous system, so the funeral directors input all of the data in there. The administrators are able to print all the various documents and contracts out of it. Our accounting team goes in there to get all the financial data and export the data into our financial software. I look at it from our reports and as a practicing funeral director, still use it on a day-to-day basis with the case management software, so the program has been a tremendous value and robust in not only be able to save time, but also eliminating duplicitous processes, so it’s single-entry data and then it goes across all of our other platforms, which is tremendous on my side.”
FamilyLink and Social Distancing
“So 2020, there’s really still no words to describe what we went through, but in a relationship business, so much of what we do is in front of the customers and clients where when that was withdrawn, we really had to maintain that personal touch and with SRS and all of their different platforms within the system, we were still able to do that. So, they have a program called FamilyLink where we were able to simply get an email from the next of kin, send them an email, and begin to have this collaborative process with vitals, obtaining the vitals for the death certificate, obituary, providing them up-to-date pricing and quoting.”
Collecting Payments Virtually With E-Pay
“They also have a feature called E-Pay, so where the families were able to come in, typically we have a payment policy of services rendered by the day of the funeral, so that became a big challenge during COVID having families coming in. So, we were simply able to send them an E-Pay link and they were paying via credit card or check or ACH withdrawal, so that was tremendous, and that took a lot of pressure off of me from an ownership standpoint, our managers, because we wanted to obviously maintain the level of service and care for the families, but then the financial component is such a hard part to make sure that that’s all under wraps and taken care of.
One of the other features that they came out with that I was on them for years on was incorporating merchant services into SRS, so we got rid of all of the terminals across all thirteen of our locations. Not only did we have a terminal, but then we had to have a log and we had to have paper and ink and all of the things and there was always issues with reconciliations. And innocently, funeral directors perhaps we’ve run the credit card, so they did their job, but they didn’t go write down how much was taken. So, it was always a hunt and peck and figuring out on a bank rec where once SRS brought the credit card merchant services into the software, it absolutely eliminated all of that.”
Staying Organized with Tasks
“One of my favorite features in SRS is the Tasks. So, when we pick graveside service, we have an automated list of all of the tasks that are generated that are needed specific to a graveside service. It also has tasks that are specific to certain members on the teams. So, for instance, if a check is needed for the cemetery, that task automatically notifies our accounting team, funeral director puts in the cemetery name, perhaps the opening and closing fee or any of the fees goes automatically to accounting, accounting issues the check, and the check miraculously ends up in the file. And that’s one of those things that has not only kept an audit trail but has just simplified our processes within the funeral home, so Tasks have been a tremendous opportunity for us to streamline.
Again, my name is David Lee Herandez Jr., I’m Founder and CEO of Jersey Memorial Group and been a proud client of SRS for over 20 years and looking forward to the continued innovation and opportunity to grow my business through their platform.”
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to watch David’s video testimonial!