When you buy your custom system from SRS, we’ll put your price list in for you. This includes your General Price List, Urns, Vaults, Caskets, and Merchandise. You can always change your price list if prices change for business.
There are 2 ways to get to the Price List:
- Click Settings, then the Funeral Home Info tab, and click Price List
- Go to the Billing tab, then Miscellaneous on the right side, and click Price List
The price list drop down provides the different branches you may have for your business. Select which one you want to use.
The categories are organizers for items in your price list. Select a category and items will appear for you.
The price can be changed by overriding the existing price entered. Type in a new price, and click save. Old bills will not be effected if a new price is entered. If you change a price here, it’ll change on the master price list for all future invoices. If you want to change a price for only ONE invoice, change it on that individual page. Image path is for those using our Virtual Showroom. Images of your inventory can be uploaded here to display all merchandise while doing arrangements.
Click the General Price List Info tab. This is where you go to assign default accounts to that price list item.
To add or edit an existing package, change the category drop down to package. On the Item Info tab, name your package, give it a price, and any description you’d like. Click save.
Navigate to the Package Info tab. Add to Package drop down is where you add items to a package.
The box below will display all items included in that package. If you accidentally add something, or are changing an existing package, highlight the item you want to take away and click Remove Item.
The boxes on the right side give you a running total of the Package Price, the price you chose for the package. The Item Subtotal is the sum of the items being added. The Package Discount is based off what is being charged vs how much the individual items would normally cost. Below this you will have the option to Proportionalize the Discount throughout the package. This allows you to distribute the discount throughout all the items rather than a specific item. You can also alter the discount to only one or two specific items, rather than each individual item. You do this by distributing $0 as each discount then adding in the amount you want to discount that specific item to.
If all branches are using the same price list, don’t worry about re‐entering everything. You shouldn’t have to type anything twice, so we have tools for you to duplicate categories to other branches! Go to the General Price List Info tab. If you want to send a specific item to another branch, click Send the Selected Item to Select Chapels. Select which branch, or all, it’s going to, and click OK. If you want to send an entire category, such as Caskets, to another branch, click Send this Category to Select Chapels. Again, select the branch and click OK.
If you place an item in the wrong category, don’t worry about deleting and retyping. Click the item you want to move, go to the Item Info tab, and find the category drop down. Select correct category and click save.